
Nikon D3400 review (part2)

Nikon D3400 review(part1)
Nikon D3400 review(part2)

This is part2. For more information of the camera body, you may want to read part1 first, the link is up there.

We are going to review the D3400 iso through some sample shoots. This is not a scientific  test, but only a real life test can we see what the D3400 can do and how it really performs. If you are only interested in the high iso perform, please go to the lower part of this article.

Iso160     F4.2  Shutter:1/200

No camera is bad at iso 160 nowadays. It look good, and it should be.

Iso720   F5.6   shutter:1/100

ISO 720: I took this picture with single hand and walking.If you find it is not very sharp, it is not because of the camera. Lets focus on the IQ. The original picture is underexposed, I add 2EV and shadows +50 to the RAW with LR. The result look great for me. The dynamic range act well. Look at the left down corner, there is some  noise. Consider the original picture is all dark at that  part , I add 2EV and shadows+50 to it, the performance is already amazing.

Iso5600   F4.5  shutter:1/100

ISO:5600:D3400 work well at iso 5600. The detail and the texture of the picture is great. It is always an advantage to remain more details for editing. I only make a very little edit on the picture and it look pop out of the screen. Do not forget it is ISO 5600. In the past, iso 5600  is already near the top of the high iso of most cameras. However, ISO 5600 is not a challenge for D3400.

Iso16,000     F5.3   shutter:1/100

ISO16,000: From iso 5600 up to 10,000, the image performance does not fall too much. However, for 10,000 to 16,000 the image starting to get worse. The picture is converted from RAW to jpg by LR without editing. Look at the magnified picture of the left down corner of the original picture, this is where the focus fall. At such high iso, the image getting rough, but sill remain a lot of detail. I can still see the hair at the edge of the cloth. And, there is no false color and  no color noise. This is awesome!! However, considering the room of editing of the raw is small at such high iso, we should try use iso below 16,000.

ISO25600   F16   shutter:1/4000

ISO25,600: This is the maximum native iso of  D3400. Converted by LR with out editing. The image look rough. The detail still remain, but the room of editing is much smaller. The out focus part also becomes very grainy, which break down the texture of the image. Still, it is very impressive that the image is clear and no false color.This is great to keep record for important moments. After proper processing, those image maybe not too bad in image quality. This is something can only did by the top end camera in the old days!

^original image
^simple edited
^Black and white
 ISO25600     F5.6    shutter:1/100

One more picture for iso 25600. This was shot at a very low light situation. This is not a ideal lighting for take picture. But it is what we always face at real life shooting. The noise is full the image. But the detail it capture is still more than what I saw that day. It is remarkable for D3400 can do this. Although the image look rough, with some proper processing the image can still be usable. For black and white image, it is not bad for me.

The performance of D3400 is much better than I expected. I did found some bad lighting environment to take the sample image. Turn out the image is not too bad. The color perform do well even at poor lighting condition. Which  is a huge improve for entry level DSLR.  If you are using lens with f1.8 or larger, you may no have much chance to use iso over 3000, but it is always good to have higher available iso.  For the price and what you got , D3400 is a good deal.



Fan Control 超好用的風扇控制軟件

前言:  今天來跟大家分享一下超好用的風扇控制軟件 Fan Control,功能精簡好用,介面直觀好操作。 Fan Control 是由 Github 一個小團隊開發的免費軟件, Github 有很好的官方使用說明和資料: https://github.com/Rem0o/FanControl.Releases 不過筆者還是打算不厭其煩在這邊用中文跟大家分享一下。 Fan Control 可以讓你高自由度設定風扇,例如對指定系統溫度作反應等等。比如筆者的顯卡很熱,但機箱風扇都針對CPU熱的時候才有反應,導致顯卡的熱力累積在機箱內部,結果顯卡又只能拿已經很熱的機箱空氣來用。那裡如果設置成顯卡熱時,機箱風扇一起反應就好了,用 Fan Control 達成就很 EASY!

Fujifilm XF 27mm f2.8 開箱 評測 用後感

簡介: Fujifilm XF 27mm f2.8 於 2013 年推出的餅乾鏡,到目前(2020)還是Fujifilm X系統 最小巧的鏡頭(沒有之一)。只有 23mm厚,重78g,鏡頭的小巧程度,可比隨拍機的鏡頭,而且整體表現都不錯。比起其他Fujifilm XF系的鏡頭,拿掉了光圈環,光圈會改由機身轉盤操作。7片光圈葉片。使用39mm濾鏡。鏡片設計 7片 5組,沒錯,薄薄的鏡頭就有7片鏡片。最近對焦 0.36m,提供 1:10 的放大率。

Nikon FE 底片機 開箱 評測 用後感

  前言: 近年,底片機又有點微熱,也有人來問筆者怎麼選。當中 FM2 的價格被拉得滿高的,其中一個原因是知名度比較高,但其實Nikon 還有很多很棒的傳統底片機可以考濾。當中 FE 是筆者最推薦的,cp值高,性能又整全,這篇就來好好介紹一下,讓大家認識 Nikon FE !