
Nikon D3400 review (part1)

Nikon D3400 review(part1)
Nikon D3400 review(part2)

This is part1, for sample picture review, go to part2. The link is up there.

Nowadays, phone photography is very popular. However, this does not mean entry level DSLR have no ground to stand. Using a DSLR would never mean the same that you phonetography and put a filter on the picture. Something you would never experience unless you  use a DSLR.

Now go to the real review:D3400 (This blog have no link to ask you buy anything. I am doing this for fun. That why you can trust.)

The body is very compact and light weight, with only 395g. This is quite a small camera, but still, the hand on feeling is  very well. The battery life increase 70% of the D3300, form 700 to 1200.(Same as the D810!) The max iso double of the D3300, form 12800 to 25600. Good one, Nikon! (For iso review, please go to part2)

The Nikon use a new battery EN-EL14a to replace the old EN-EL14. The capacity increase 20%. (The old EN-EL14 is still able to use on the D3400.)

The handle is deep enough for a big hand guy like me to hold tight. The AF-ON button is big and high. Good news for the AF-ON user.

The eyepiece is comfortable to sit on. Much better than  the D3200.

The skin is anti-slip.

Single SD card slot.

The buttons do sit on the right position. Make them handy to use, and not easy to make a wrong push.

The shutter button is black, look Pro. The previous version silver button look lame.

The ratio of the handle to the body look well.(lens: Nikon AF-P 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 VR)

Nikon SnapBridge!   With the nikon's apps you can send picture to your phone! Great!

D3400 is very great for daily life and travelling use. It is light weight and high usable high iso. The new AF-P lens has remarkable focusing speed!!

The focusing speed is related both to the lens and the body. Mostly about the focusing driving motor. The AF-P motor on the 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 is impressively fast working on the D3400. It is no problem to handle moving subject, such as dancing kid or jogging dog. For reference, nikon af-p 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 VR 's AF speed is a little bit faster than my Tamron 24-70mm f2.8 G1 but not faster than my Tamron 70-200mm f2.8 G2.
(As Canon use the fast and quiet STM on there kit lens, this is why Nikon must make lens like this.)

This D3400 have very high C/P values. In the pass, the entry level camera is like a toy. The build quality is poor, the LCD screen look worse,auto white balance is lame. High iso? Just don't think about it. I use D3100. D3200, D3300 and now the D3400. For each version , the function improve a little bit. Untill this D3400, it is up to a new level.

The way to control stay the same, but the functional reach what  people need. The AF speed, the response speed of the camera, the auto white balance, the LCD screen,the battery life, the high iso, they all do well. The sensor is a big improvement, the signal to noise ratio and dynamic range is almost the same as the more advanced level D7200. To reference, there is only 1 score between them on the Dxomark  score. Used the D3400 for some days, the performance did not disappoint me.

The high end DSLR is not for everyone. They have good function, but the weight and the price go up up up. For daily life and travelling shooter, the D3400 is a wise choose.

1.Much better high iso performance. The native iso is 100~25600. Below iso 10000, it do quite well. From 10000~15000, it is not too bad. After 15000 to 25600, they are just a given choose, The image quality is not so great. For entry level camera, most owner do not have lens with large aperture. Sometimes the only way is to push up the iso. At night and indoor, using the kit lens at 55mm f5.6 you may result using iso 6000 or up. At this situation, the high iso performance is important. If you use the "night vision mode" the iso can go to Hi2 become iso 102,400, but only give black and white picture.

2.Light weight. Only a convenient camera is the best when you are going travelling with your family, or hanging out with your boy/girl friend.

3.Feel good on hand. Except you put a big lens on it.

4.1200 battery life.

1.With only 9 focusing point. It is no big deal if you only use a single point for focusing.

2.Not much support on the old D series nikon lens. All D3000 body have no built in motor for the D series lens. So they have no AF on the D3000 series. However D3400 even do not support camera body control aperture. The previous D3300 can do, but not the D3400. How can you do that, Nikon!

3.No water droplet proof design. Very small rain should be ok, heavy rain may kill your camera. No camera is truly  not afraid of water. You can kill a extraordinary built quality D3 if you put it in water. But the design do help the camera  to sustain different kind of  watery situation. The D3400 has very poor design for this. ( I never let my camera directly expose under raining.)



Fan Control 超好用的風扇控制軟件

前言:  今天來跟大家分享一下超好用的風扇控制軟件 Fan Control,功能精簡好用,介面直觀好操作。 Fan Control 是由 Github 一個小團隊開發的免費軟件, Github 有很好的官方使用說明和資料: https://github.com/Rem0o/FanControl.Releases 不過筆者還是打算不厭其煩在這邊用中文跟大家分享一下。 Fan Control 可以讓你高自由度設定風扇,例如對指定系統溫度作反應等等。比如筆者的顯卡很熱,但機箱風扇都針對CPU熱的時候才有反應,導致顯卡的熱力累積在機箱內部,結果顯卡又只能拿已經很熱的機箱空氣來用。那裡如果設置成顯卡熱時,機箱風扇一起反應就好了,用 Fan Control 達成就很 EASY!

Fujifilm XF 27mm f2.8 開箱 評測 用後感

簡介: Fujifilm XF 27mm f2.8 於 2013 年推出的餅乾鏡,到目前(2020)還是Fujifilm X系統 最小巧的鏡頭(沒有之一)。只有 23mm厚,重78g,鏡頭的小巧程度,可比隨拍機的鏡頭,而且整體表現都不錯。比起其他Fujifilm XF系的鏡頭,拿掉了光圈環,光圈會改由機身轉盤操作。7片光圈葉片。使用39mm濾鏡。鏡片設計 7片 5組,沒錯,薄薄的鏡頭就有7片鏡片。最近對焦 0.36m,提供 1:10 的放大率。

Nikon FE 底片機 開箱 評測 用後感

  前言: 近年,底片機又有點微熱,也有人來問筆者怎麼選。當中 FM2 的價格被拉得滿高的,其中一個原因是知名度比較高,但其實Nikon 還有很多很棒的傳統底片機可以考濾。當中 FE 是筆者最推薦的,cp值高,性能又整全,這篇就來好好介紹一下,讓大家認識 Nikon FE !