
Fujifilm cheapest extension tube open box and review

This is the Chinese made DG extension tube set for Fujifilm XF camera.  Sample shot section is at the bottom of this article.

Give the conclusion here, save your time. This DG extension tube work fine on the Fuji xf camera.With auto AF and the electronic contact to write the data on the file. The  auto AF and MF work well and smooth, as good as with out the tube. The OIS(VR) will also work.

The build quality is fine for normal usage. They say it is metal mount, but it is a "fake" metal mount(see more below), no good for heavy lens on it(such as 50-140mm f2.8),but it should work fine for most of the lens. For the price, it is fantastic.

The box: DG EXTENSION TUBE SET with auto AF

Come with the 10mm + 16mm extension tube and the instruction. No caps included.

Very light weight. The tube is made of plastic, but not the dicky one. Feel ok. The mount is "metal"

With electronic contact. Work well. To the camera-side is a true metal mount.

The inner side has anti-reflect design. Prevent the light reflect inside the tube.

To the lens-side is a fake metal mount!  How say? Look at it , there is a metal "ring" but the  part that should hold the lens is actually plastic! The metal "ring" don't help anythings for holding the lens on the mount.

Plastic mount is fine for lens that is not too heavy. Nikon and Canon make plastic mount of the kit lens. But you may not be happy after you put a heavy lens or adapt a heavy lens on it.

It will work fine with lens like the 35mm f1.4. It is how it look like after you put a lens on it.

The switch work good.

It fit the Fuji body well. Both the out look and the color.

Sample shot:  X-T20 + XF 18-55mm f2.8-4 + extension tube

(through a minolta 50mm f1.4 lens)

The article end here.



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Fujifilm XF 27mm f2.8 開箱 評測 用後感

簡介: Fujifilm XF 27mm f2.8 於 2013 年推出的餅乾鏡,到目前(2020)還是Fujifilm X系統 最小巧的鏡頭(沒有之一)。只有 23mm厚,重78g,鏡頭的小巧程度,可比隨拍機的鏡頭,而且整體表現都不錯。比起其他Fujifilm XF系的鏡頭,拿掉了光圈環,光圈會改由機身轉盤操作。7片光圈葉片。使用39mm濾鏡。鏡片設計 7片 5組,沒錯,薄薄的鏡頭就有7片鏡片。最近對焦 0.36m,提供 1:10 的放大率。

Nikon FE 底片機 開箱 評測 用後感

  前言: 近年,底片機又有點微熱,也有人來問筆者怎麼選。當中 FM2 的價格被拉得滿高的,其中一個原因是知名度比較高,但其實Nikon 還有很多很棒的傳統底片機可以考濾。當中 FE 是筆者最推薦的,cp值高,性能又整全,這篇就來好好介紹一下,讓大家認識 Nikon FE !