
HAIOU-64 58mm f2 cleaning

Today, we are going to clean the HAIOU-64 58mm f2. It would take about 15mins to take the lens apart. This one got some mold inside the lens. First, prepare the tools for the work.

Use expendable cleaning paper to clean mold. Lens cleaning fluid is also needed. You can buy them online or any camera shop near by.

 Look at the beautiful lens.

First, screw the top cover off the lens.

It is what it should look like. With the name and numbers on it.

 Now, we can look in side the lens.

 Take off the inner ring.

The ring is look like this. This ring is for holding the glass beneath.

Now the glass is without any holding. We can pour it out. Pour it on a clean tissue paper instead of your dirty and oily hand!

 The lens should look like this.

There is another glass under the top glass.  Leave it.

 The top glass is different in both side.

The convex side should be on top. Don't make it wrong when you put it back.

 Now take off the side 4 screw.

 It should look like this now.

 These are what we take off from the lens so far. From the left to right in order.

 After the 4 screw were out. We can pull the lens holder from the shell.

 Now we have two parts. The part with lens and the shell. Leave the shell. We only want to clean the glass.

 Beware, there is a C shape metal which control the aperture.

 The metal bar on the lens holder should fit in the C shape metal.

 The silver hood can take away directly.

The four holes are for the screws.

 Now we deal with the lens holder.

 Screw the only lens group out.

We can see the  aperture with out any glass on it.

There are some mold at the side of the glass.

This is the aperture. Just look at it, it is so beautiful.

These are what we take off from the lens so far. From the left to right in order.

Now turn the lens holder upside down. We are looking at the bottom glass.

Take out the inner metal ring.

 The inner metal ring should look like this.

 Pour the bottom glass out. Both side of the glass look quite the same, but they are not!! The little more convex side should face the bottom side. Or just remember which side come out first. Don't make it wrong when you put it back.

 These are what we take off from the lens so far. From the left to right in order.

 Now use the pointy side.

 Take off the metal ring.

The ring look like this.

There is another ring under the previous ring. But this one with no screw, we can take it out directly.

 This ring look like this.

 These are what we had taken off from the lens so far. The second line, from the left to right in order.

 Use the pointy side again. Screw the lens out.

 This one is a lens group.

Look like this.

This is the last glass in the lens holder.

When we put it back. We have to adjust the position of the lens holder. Otherwise the aperture may not at the right position. Screw the 4 screw half the way, so the lens holder is a little bit loose. Put a screw driver in the hole, the hole is at the same radius of the screw holds. Adjust the position so the lens is at f2 and the aperture can not be seen.

Put all the parts back, and it is done. This lens is a easy one, hope this article help. I have no responsibility if you screw this up.



Fan Control 超好用的風扇控制軟件

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Fujifilm XF 27mm f2.8 開箱 評測 用後感

簡介: Fujifilm XF 27mm f2.8 於 2013 年推出的餅乾鏡,到目前(2020)還是Fujifilm X系統 最小巧的鏡頭(沒有之一)。只有 23mm厚,重78g,鏡頭的小巧程度,可比隨拍機的鏡頭,而且整體表現都不錯。比起其他Fujifilm XF系的鏡頭,拿掉了光圈環,光圈會改由機身轉盤操作。7片光圈葉片。使用39mm濾鏡。鏡片設計 7片 5組,沒錯,薄薄的鏡頭就有7片鏡片。最近對焦 0.36m,提供 1:10 的放大率。

Nikon FE 底片機 開箱 評測 用後感

  前言: 近年,底片機又有點微熱,也有人來問筆者怎麼選。當中 FM2 的價格被拉得滿高的,其中一個原因是知名度比較高,但其實Nikon 還有很多很棒的傳統底片機可以考濾。當中 FE 是筆者最推薦的,cp值高,性能又整全,這篇就來好好介紹一下,讓大家認識 Nikon FE !